Knowing When and How to Modify Your Long-term Incentives
Session Format
Fast Skills
Key Topic Area
Executive Compensation
Target Attendee Experience Level
Entry: Awareness with Limited Experience

Effective, tailored incentive plans are critical to motivating employees and ensuring alignment with shareholder interests. High-performing organizations design long-term programs that complement the company's structure and key objectives, which change over time. Using case studies, this session will cover the key features and unique characteristics of effective long-term incentive plan designs for companies in specific situations — start-up or high-growth phase, anticipating a value-realizing event in the future, turnaround, and management successions. 


  • Identify appropriate long-term incentive design alternatives for companies in various scenarios and understand the linkage to the company's strategy and key objectives. 
  • Weigh the pros and cons of each approach and identify the key indicators to know the right time to proactively consider incentive re-design.