High-Stakes Mistakes: Errors to Avoid in Executive Compensation—and How to Recover
Date & Time
Monday, June 12, 2023, 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Executive Compensation
Session Format
Target Attendee Experience Level
Intermediate: Hands-on and Practical Application

Executive compensation professionals oversee pay processes for top leaders in their company or industry. What could go wrong? Learn from this panel of seasoned consultants and practitioners what the most common errors are across key areas, including design, the compensation committee meeting and communications/disclosure. You’ll come away with a wealth of strategies for preventing errors and mitigating the impact of mistakes when you do make them.  

Learning Objectives
• Identify the most common mistakes in executive compensation from design to implementation to disclosure
• Provide strategies to avoid issues (e.g., cross-functional teams, checklists, effective use of internal and external resources)
• Outline the best approach to mitigating the impact of mistakes or errors