The Financial Wellbeing Landscape: External Factors, Equity Gaps, and Solutions
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM
Location Name
Treetops Room
Session Format
Roundtable Discussion
Key Topic Area

External factors in our environment such as the COVID-19 pandemic and high inflation have had a substantial impact on employee financial well-being. Employers that want to reduce financial stress and positively impact productivity and overall well-being can offer financial well-being programs to target specific needs of different employee demographics. 

In this highly interactive Roundtable Discussion you will explore:

  • Insights and guidance on implementing financial well-being programs.
  •  The concept of financial well-being equity and how to design programs for diverse employee populations.
  • Specific examples of programs including topics such as financial coaching, student loan assistance, emergency savings, and early access to wages.

Roundtable discussions are intimate and highly participatory. Be prepared to share and build connections with your fellow attendees. 

Session Survey
Slide Deck