Roundtable: Short Term Incentives and Annual Bonuses: Is Your Plan Driving Organizational Results?
Session Format
Roundtable Discussion

Roundtable discussions are intimate and highly participatory. Be prepared to share and build connections with your fellow attendees. 

Most organizations use short term incentives or bonuses to reward employee performance. Short term incentives are focused on performance and used to drive future-forward results. Bonuses may be focused on performance and typically are given to reward past performance. Whichever method or pay option your organization chooses, linking individual performance to organizational results should be the end goal. We will ground our discussion with benchmark data, and participants will be asked to share best practices they have implemented as well as lessons learned from design, to communication, to evaluation. 

Roundtable discussions are intimate and highly participatory. Be prepared to share and build connections with your fellow attendees. 

Discussion Questions:

  • What type of STIs do you use in your organization, and how do you choose?
  • How do you ensure your STIs are clearly tied to organizational results?
  • How do you communicate your STI plan to employees? 
  • How do you define and measure success?