Information and Resources for Applicants

Successful events start with strong speakers. If you want to use your voice to help transform how talent and impact is rewarded, we want to help you craft a stand-out submission! Use the resources on this page to help turn your insights and expertise in the following key topic areas into sessions that will help your fellow Total Rewards professionals evolve or expand their impact:

  • Total Rewards
  • Compensation
  • Careers
  • Workplace and Pay Equity


We are offering the following resources to support you, our applicants: 

  • Read the information on this page to learn about selection criteria, topics, available session formats, and speaker types.
  • Download the Submission Planning Worksheet to help you think through your submission before heading to the digital form.
  • Attend our open office hours session on Feb 16, 2024 from 11:00am-12:30pm Eastern on Zoom. During this time WorldatWork staff will be available to review and provide feedback on submissions, help solve any technical problems, or answer general questions about the event or Call. 

All submissions must be completed through the online form and are due by Monday February 26, 2024 at 5:00pm PT. If you need an accommodation or have questions, please email us at

What are the Key Dates?

February 12, 2024

Call for Speakers Opens

February 26, 2024, 5:00pm PT

Call for Speakers Closes

By March 13, 2024*

Notifications Sent

*After sessions are selected, accepted speakers will receive more details about the venue, technical requirements, deliverables, and training.

What is the selection criteria?

Our selection committee will use a rubric to review submissions that includes the following categories.

  • Thought Leadership: Topic, solution or delivery is unique, demonstrates innovation; is cutting edge of right now or future focused; brings new solutions to new or old problems.
  • Relevance: The topic is timely and holds significance, applicability, meaningfulness, and value in relation to the conference and attendees/profession. There is clear evidence that this session will be of particular interest to a Canadian audience.
  • Participant Engagement: Clear evidence that the session will engage the participants actively through interaction, application or call to action through learnings; may be the ability to hold the audience's attention with riveting content.
  • Speaker Skill & Fit: Knowledgeable to topic and gives a confident presence or has an inviting personality that encourages exchange; holds credibility and engaging speaking presence. 

What Key Topic Areas can sessions address?

Total Rewards

Total Rewards' impact, optimization, analytics, AI, and successful influence techniques. Challenge legacy practices, enhance personalization, improve employee experiences, and boost organizational performance. Shape Total Reward professionals' careers with coaching and insights.


Innovative and successful strategies in base pay, variable compensation, sales compensation, executive compensation, equity-based compensation, paying for the job vs. skills, communication, compensation analytics and prediction, market evaluation, performance measurement, and recognition. 

Workplace and Pay Equity

Inclusive and equitable organizations through cultural change, pay equity strategies, navigating emerging regulations, enhancing transparency, and operationalizing pay equity tasks for sustainability.


Career pathways shaped through job architecture, career pathing, upskilling, global mobility, and more. Optimize talent, build capabilities, and create a win/win outcome.

What types of speakers present at Total Rewards Global Forum: Canada?

Academic: Full or part-time professor with no other source of employment.

Consultant: A professional hired to provide expert advice to multiple clients or organizations. Does not include internal consultants. See practitioner definition.

  • Examples: Partner, Managing Director, Principal, Practice Leader, Attorney

Non-Profit Organization Representative: Advocate from a relevant non-profit, offering industry-specific insights and expertise, aligning with our event's cause and mission. 

Practitioner: “Internal” professionals accountable to influence or deliver rewards for that one specific organization. Excludes those working in professional services supporting external customers.

  • Examples: SVP Total Rewards, Manager, Compensation Manager, Director Employee Benefits, CHRO, Financial Analyst, HR Business Partner, Benefits Specialist, Compensation Committee Chair, Chief Legal Officer, Recruiter

Service Partner: A supplier or someone who works for a company that provides organizations with services other than management consulting. See consultant definition.

  • Examples: IT Solutions Provider, Payroll Processing Provider, Recognition Outsource Provider, Insurance Agent, VP Product Development, Sales Director, Account Executive

What types of session formats will be at Total Rewards Global Forum: Canada?

We all have different learning preferences. In order to meet as many individual preferences as possible, Total Rewards Global Forum: Canada will offer a variety of session formats. The submission form will ask you to suggest which of the following formats you believe will best help participants engage with your ideas. If your submission is accepted, you will work with the WorldatWork team to finalize your session format. 

Presentation (45 minutes): The classic! This format is best for complex concepts or epic tales of discovery. One to two presenters share a concept, story, or case study and allow time for Q&A either during or at the end of the session. We've found having two presenters with varying experiences can make this session format even more effective. (Max. 2 presenters)

Interactive Panel (60 Minutes): Panelists representing different perspectives present case studies or experiences designed to explore a specific topic from different angles. The moderator will facilitate a formal Q&A or polling with the participants and panelists for a minimum of fifteen minutes. (Max. 3 presenters plus 1 moderator)

1-on-1 Interview (45 minutes): The moderator leads a discussion with the presenter on a specific topic. 1-on-1 Interviews lend themselves to a more intimate, conversational feel. Some time should be dedicated to allowing participants to engage with the presenter. (Max. 1 presenter and 1 moderator)


Point-Counter Point Debate (45 minutes): One moderator and no more than two speakers will have an interactive, lively discussion in which they will put forth opposing views on the session topic. This session type is also known as an Oxford-style debate and is a good choice when the topic is truly contentious. (Max. 2 presenters plus 1 moderator)

Fast Skill Building (25 minutes): An opportunity for dynamic teachers and industry experts to share their expertise in quick, power-packed 30-minute sessions that will equip participants with the latest and most essential skills in the realm of Total Rewards. Topics for these sessions should be very focused for the best impact.  (Max. 2 presenters)

TR Talks (25 minutes): A TR Talk is inspired, fun, and makes you think big and small! Presenters with a specific story, discovery, or revelation who want to hone their ability to impact participants in a condensed amount of time are encouraged to consider this session format. (Max. 2 presenters)

Roundtable: (45 minutes): Roundtable discussions honor the experience already in the room. Presenters facilitate small, peer-to-peer discussions addressing specific topics. This format is a great choice if you want to be more of a facilitator than a speaker. (Max. 2 presenters)

Still Have Questions?

We are happy to help! Click below to contact the Events team.