Use Your Claims Data to Add Money Back to Your Benefits Plan
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Target Attendee Experience Level
Advanced: Applied Theory and Strategy

Employers lose billions each year to unidentified waste in the form of low-value healthcare, abusive or improper billing, and claims errors. Preventing wasteful healthcare spending is an easy, high-return win for benefits leaders. Employers need access to employee claims data and an independent partner without financial ties to carriers or PBMs. Hear how the City of Fort Worth returned more than 7.6 million to its plan with methods available to all employers.


  • Learn to use data to reduce spending on items like low- and no-value care, pharmacy overpayments and schemes with disrupting benefits.
  • Know how to critically review your healthcare spending plan and third-party administrator contracts to find areas to reduce spending.
  • Use data analytics to uncover waste in the form of overpayments, duplications, low-value care, and fraud and realize savings without having to change employee behavior or reduce benefits.