Practical Application of a 4-Day Workweek: The City of Golden Story
2:30 PM - 3:15 PM
Location Name
Grasslands Room
Session Format
Case Study
Key Topic Area
Total Rewards
The desire for alternative work structures is as strong as ever for employees. Learn what it takes to implement and manage a 4-day workweek, where employees work 32 hours but are paid for 40. Get a behind the scenes look at the City of Golden, Colorado’s pilot program including the pilot design, the current results, and their next steps. Could this unique approach to workforce management help you develop a culture of productivity and engage your workforce like never before?
In this session you will explore:
• The payroll, HR, and workforce considerations to implementing a condensed workweek.
• Possible benefits of implementing a 4-day workweek
• Strategies for overcoming possible objections.
Session Survey
Slide Deck