Main Stage: TR Talks - ​​​​​​​Driving a High-Performance Culture with Pay Intelligence by beqom
Session Format
Main Stage
Target Attendee Experience Level
Intermediate: Hands-on and Practical Application

To quote Lou Gerstner, former CEO and credited with rebuilding IBM, “Culture isn't just one aspect of the game; it is the game.” In today’s people-first economy, the way we engage and motivate our employees has changed. We need to rethink how we manage our Reward and Performance programs within an entirely different business context.

But many companies are stuck with manual processes and one-size-fits-all technology. Data is siloed, pay and performance misaligned, and pay inequity stubbornly persistent.

Join Ross Elmsly from beqom to learn how other companies are overcoming these problems and changing their Reward and Performance programs. We’ll discuss the potential of what we are calling “Pay Intelligence”. We’ll review how to really close pay gaps and improve pay equity, drive personal and company performance, and how to reward your people your way.