Roundtable: Diving into the Compensation Data Evolution: Navigating a Sea of Alternatives
Session Format
Roundtable Discussion

Roundtable discussions are intimate and highly participatory. Be prepared to share and build connections with your fellow attendees. 

What alternative data sources are you using? How are you using them?  The emergence of crowd-sourced data was the first introduction, for many, to an alternative view of compensation data. The expansion of pay transparency has brought with it a new wave of “real time” data sources including public job postings and data funneled directly from internal Applicant Tracking Systems. These are only a few of the new data alternatives that hope to deliver a clear picture of what is happening in the compensation landscape RIGHT NOW in REAL TIME. Join this Roundtable discussion explore the what, where, and when of alternative data sources.

Discussion Questions:

  • Who is using alternative sources in their daily workflow and what has been the experience?
  • How do you integrate/effectively pair all of these sources?
  • Do these sources lend themselves better to certain types/classifications of jobs?
  • Has access to alternative data sources changed the conversation internally with managers, HR business partners, and C-suite?
  • What are some of the pitfalls of using these new data sources?