Main Stage: TR Talks brought to you by our Partner Sponsors
Session Format
Main Stage
Target Attendee Experience Level
Intermediate: Hands-on and Practical Application


Compensation Planning Jam Session; Best Practices and Trends by Visier
Does your organization’s pay philosophy effectively translate to your managers, who make critical compensation decisions in each merit cycle? Today, balancing equity and fairness while maximizing employee retention in merit planning remains a top challenge and goes beyond simply understanding market rates. In the absence of effective compensation planning, how confident are you that compensation dollars are being optimized equitably to attract and retain the best talent?

Join us for this jam session where we will discuss and debate insights and best practices from compensation research that will allow you to implement data-driven strategies to empower your managers to make unbiased merit pay decisions aligned to your pay philosophy.

Session topics include:

  • The latest compensation planning trends and insights
  • New ways to empower your managers to make smart compensation decisions using tools and data
  • Our largest challenges in compensation management today, and how we might begin tackling them
  • Any questions you bring to the session


  • Sean Luitjens, General Manager of Total Rewards, Visier


Building Trust with Pay & Opportunity Transparency by Syndio
How do employees know to trust your company? You have to prove it. Join us to hear how two companies did just that using data, analytics, and transparency to build trust, make progress toward goals, increase efficiencies and even save money.


  •  Nancy Romanyshyn, Senior Director, Total Rewards Strategy, Syndio
  • Abbey Garwin, Regional Vice President, East Sales, Syndio


Driving a High-Performance Culture with Pay Intelligence by beqom
To quote Lou Gerstner, former CEO and credited with rebuilding IBM, “Culture isn't just one aspect of the game; it is the game.” In today’s people-first economy, the way we engage and motivate our employees has changed. We need to rethink how we manage our Reward and Performance programs within an entirely different business context.

But many companies are stuck with manual processes and one-size-fits-all technology. Data is siloed, pay and performance misaligned, and pay inequity stubbornly persistent.

Join Ross Elmsly from beqom to learn how other companies are overcoming these problems and changing their Reward and Performance programs. We’ll discuss the potential of what we are calling “Pay Intelligence”. We’ll review how to really close pay gaps and improve pay equity, drive personal and company performance, and how to reward your people your way.  


  • Ross Elmsly, Head of Solution Advisory, beqom