Full Name
Christopher Lee
Job Title
Vice President
Speaker Bio

Chris Lee is Vice President, Employee Experience and Internal Communication Practice at Gallagher Communication.  In this role he helps employers deliver memorable employee experiences that not only cut through the noise with head-turning creative and digital, but most importantly, he helps organizations foster a deep sense of appreciation for the value of how they support wellbeing.

Chris has over 25 years of experience in marketing, brand, and communications.

Chris is the Executive Vice President on the Board of Directors for the International Association of Business Communicators in Toronto. He is also on the design team and working group for the International Federation of Employee Benefit Plans Total Rewards certificate programs, and has also served on the Board of Directors for the Greater Toronto Area Rewards Association as Vice President, Communications.

Chris hosts a podcast on iTunes and Spotify called Why Does It Feel So Wrong to be Human at Work? which looks at the nature of the modern workplace, and possibilities for innovation to better reflect people’s needs and their true potential.

Chris has been featured as a speaker at CPBI, IABC, Conference Board of Canada, HRPA, Toronto Region Board of Trade, IFEBP, WorldatWork, InnovateWork, CUHR, Presidents of Enterprising Organizations, GTA Rewards Association, and Benefits Breakfast Club. He has published articles in Plans & Trusts Magazine, Canadian HR Reporter, Benefits Canada, and Chris has also been featured on the HRchat and PodCatalyst podcasts.

Christopher Lee