Benefits/Rewards/HR Compliance, Consulting & Planning SME
Current Roles/Responsibilities:
- Of Counsel, Koehler Fitzgerald LLC, member aequum LLC
- Independent Rewards/Benefits/HR Consulting
- ERISA Advisory Council, Employee Benefits Security Administration, Department of Labor
- Presbyterian Church USA Board of Pensions
- National Financial Educators Council, Ohio Advisory Council
Past Experience:
- Research/Intellectual Capital/Content American Retirement Association
- Executive Director Plan Sponsor Council of America
- Consulting/Compliance Attorney WTW
- Associate Vice President Benefits Planning Nationwide
Past Board/Trustee Experience:
- Benefits Advisory Board W@W
- American Benefits Council
- Council on Employee Benefits
- Corporate Board IFEBP
- LLM, Employee Benefits, with honors; JD; MBA; BBA, Business Economics
- Certified Employee Benefits Specialist
- Member, Ohio Bar
- Individual: 401k Champion, CFED Innovative Idea, Business Insurance Benefit Manager of the Year
- Team: NBGH, Healthy Lifestyles, Platinum
- Corporate: C. Everett Koop Health Project, Plan Sponsor of the Year