Sales Compensation Effectiveness: Know It When You See It and Communicate It to Leaders
Date & Time
Tuesday, June 13, 2023, 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
Session Format
Target Attendee Experience Level
Entry: Awareness with Limited Experience

If you struggle to know if your sales compensation plan is driving value, you’re not alone. Even when companies run analytics or have standard reporting and performance metrics, they often fail to present findings in logical, organized ways that leverage industry trends and benchmarks. Join us to learn how to create effective sales compensation messaging and commercial presentations for executives. Understand the most critical financial and business sales analytics to run, plus sales compensation industry ratios/benchmarks to use when performing your own industry comparisons.

Learning Objectives
• Learn how to communicate with sales executives and senior leadership about sales compensation success: what defines it and the key financial measures that drive it
• Know the top six metrics to use when evaluating your sales compensation plan, plus key industry benchmarks and ratios to help you judge its effectiveness
• See examples of the proper tools and visuals that can help illustrate messaging to executives at all levels